
Women and Men in the Fourth Gospel: A Genuine Discipleship of Equals is unavailable, but you can change that!

The fourth gospel presents the reader with an early Christian text in which women and men are treated as “a discipleship of equals.” Specifically, the gospel contains six examples of “gender pairs” of characters (a widely-accepted Lukan feature). The members of each pair are portrayed in a parallel or contrasting faith encounter with the Johannine Jesus that is of substantial theological...

process by which the evangelist achieves this is part of the very structure of the Gospel itself: Johannine women and men are presented to the reader in a series of ‘gender pairs’. Such a literary phenomenon has long been recognized by scholars with respect to Luke–Acts, and is regarded by many as a major Lukan literary technique.46 Of the very few references to the fact that John sometimes ‘pairs’ a woman and a man, the common example is Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. In her article, ‘Battered
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